Access/Use of Range

WGC Members in good standing

Invited Guests accompanied by a WGC member

GUESTS (As specified in our By-Laws)

Law Enforcement Officers are allowed access for training and practice. All rules apply unless specifically notified in advance of "special circumstances" requiring a closed range.Members will be notified by notice on the WGC home page and / or the schedule section of WGC web site.

Any member may be accompanied by an "in area guest" in the use of the Winnsboro Gun Club Shooting Range a maximum of twice annually.  (An "in area guest" is defined to be any person other than members of the immediate family residing within a radius of fifty (50) miles of Winnsboro, Texas who have not previously been members of WGC.)

Any person who has previously been a member must renew his membership to be allowed on the premises if he resides within a 50-mile radius.

The general public during special events or organized matches only. (ALL RANGE RULES APPLY)

Competitors participating in an organized match or special event who are not WGC members do not have access to, or use of ranges not being used in the event.

Unauthorized use of the range by non-members or trespassers should be reported to the Winnsboro Police Department, the Wood County Sheriff Department, or any WGC Board Member. Members have the right to politely request that unauthorized persons leave the range.

All members using the range, except ladies and law enforcement officers in uniform, must have their current membership card prominently displayed on their person or on their range bag.


WGC Range Rules

Any WGC member noticing a safety violation must politely inform the individual of the rule being violated and ask them to conform to WGC safety rules.  If a serious violation, the Board should be notified of the name of the member and the infraction.  If the violator continues to disobey WGC safety rules, a member may make a complaint to the WGC Board of Directors for appropriate action.  Penalties may include loss of range privileges or expulsion from WGC Club membership.  Enforcement authority and responsibility are assigned to the Board of Directors.  

Clean up after yourselves, i.e. used targets, shell casings, soft drink containers, cartridge boxes. Please play your part to keep our range and facilities clean.

The last person to use the range / field they have been using must turn off all equipment, lights, and ensure all locks are locked.


Range Hours

Shooting hours are from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, 365 days per year.

Guests must always be under the direct supervision of the member / host whether on the firing line or not. The member / host will not allow guests to wander around on the range. The member / host is directly responsible for the conduct of his guests, just as he is responsible for his own conduct.

The member / host shall explain the WGC Safety Rules to his guests before bringing them to the range.

Children shall not be brought to the range unless they can be constantly supervised.

We strongly suggest no more than three (3) guests per member.


Intoxicants/ Horse Play/ Conduct

Any violence, threat of violence, confrontation, or continuation of an unsafe practice will not be tolerated.  Do not engage in serious arguments of any kind.  Report any serious incidents with you or others to a Club Officer.

NOTE:  Phone numbers for the club Officers and the Winnsboro Police and Wood County Sherriff’s Department are posted in the covered pavilion on the rifle and pistol range.

Please take precautions to not shoot target frames.

Any willful destruction of range property or failure to handle firearms in a safe manner will result in immediate loss of membership.

The consumption of alcohol on the facilities is prohibited.

An individual who has consumed alcohol or any substance that may impair mental or physical facilities will not be allowed on range property.

No horseplay or bravado is permitted on the facility.

Treat WGC Club property with care.

Firearm Handling and Transport

WGC always operates as a cold range.: all firearms must be empty, have any magazine removed, and always have the action open.

Licensed Concealed Carry firearms accepted as long as they remain concealed or holstered.

Long guns may be transported cased or uncased with action open, muzzle up, and any magazine removed.

The use of open bolt / open chamber indicators is encouraged.

Handguns may only be transported on WGC property via holster with magazine out and hammer down, or in a shooters bag, box, pistol rug, or carrying case.

Handguns may NOT be carried exposed in your hand except on the firing line.

During matches or special shooting events, firearm handling or loading may begin only upon instruction from the Range Safety Officer.

Remember, Range Safety is EVERYONE’S business. Do not be hesitant to respectfully correct someone.

Rifle and Pistol Range Rules


The use of EYE and EAR PROTECTION is mandatory for members and their guests on all ranges. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.

Never cover anything with the muzzle of the firearm you are not willing to destroy.

Keep finger out of the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

.50 Caliber BMG rifles and .50 BMG cartridge variants are strictly prohibited.

The 150-meter and 200-meter rifle ranges are closed while skeet and trap fields are being used.

Firing of fully automatic weapons is prohibited.

Rapid firing of semiautomatic weapons is not allowed on this range to protect target frames and to reduce the chance of a projectile leaving the property. An exception to the rapid-fire limitation is granted only to a scheduled organized event, such as a class, AND if all shooting is under the direction of an instructor or event range master. (For the purposes of this rule, "rapid fire" is defined as more than one shot per second).

Using shoulder holsters is not allowed.

Using cross draw holsters is not allowed.

Practicing with holster (holster work) is limited to Law Enforcement and structured activities and events only.

No quick draw or fast draw holster work.

No holster work over the concrete firing line.

Offhand and supported pistol shooting on 30-yard range (to ensure bullet containment).

Use of the 100-yard range for pistol shooting is limited to supported pistol only (to ensure bullet containment).

Do not elevate the muzzle of a rifle or pistol above the top of the berms (to ensure bullet containment).

To prevent damage to target frames, shotgun cartridges are prohibited on the Rifle / Pistol range.

Officer Commands/ Rules

All WGC members and guests must respect and honor the commands of the Range Safety Officer.

The Range Safety Officer is in charge of the range. Any member may act as the Range Safety Officer.

The shooter who has been on the range the longest that day is the designated Range Safety Officer unless verbally agreed otherwise.

When the designated Range Safety Officer prepares to leave the facility, he / she will agree with shooters on the line who the next designated Range Safety Officer will be.

If you need to go down range request that the Range Safety Officer call for a cease fire or cold range. The Range Safety Officer will call for a “REQUEST CEASE FIRE / COLD RANGE” at a convenient time to stop shooting.

Upon the Range Safety Officer’s determination that all weapons are safe, secure, and racked, the Range Safety Officer will issue the command "ALL SHOOTERS MOVE BACK BEHIND THE YELLOW SHOOTING LINE".

Only when everyone is behind the yellow shooting line and the RED Beacon Light is turned ON will the command be issued "COLD RANGE / CLEAR TO GO DOWN RANGE".

Do not handle firearms while anyone is down range.

Do not approach the shooting bench while people are down range (stay behind the yellow shooting line).

Do not make inappropriate comments about shooting or guns while anyone is down range.

Firearms may not be handled when anyone is down-range.

No one is to be seated at a shooting bench when anyone is down range.

When everyone has returned to the firing line the Range Safety Officer will survey the field and ask, "IS EVERYONE BACK?"  If all shooters haver returned from downrange, the Range Safety Officer will turn OFF the RED Beacon Light and issue a "CLEAR TO FIRE / HOT RANGE" command before any handling and discharging of firearms.

Load only on the command of the Range Safety Officer.

Do not discharge a firearm forward of the firing line.

Targets/ Target Frames

Wooden target frames are not to be moved farther than 50 yards from the firing line.

It is YOUR responsibility to return wooden target frames to within 10 yards of the firing line before leaving the facility to prevent target frame damage by others.

If you accidentally shoot one of the target frame uprights or one of the clips, the entire holder should be removed from the firing line and placed in the asphalt area for repair.

If you decide to intentionally shoot one of the uprights or clips, remove the holder from the firing line and place your name, phone number, and address on the backer.  We will contact you.

Use of the steel target frames within 50-yards is prohibited.

Steel target frames must be returned to the right side of the 100-yard range when not in use.

Target backing board is available in the target shed.

Please do not leave your targets on the target frames to demonstrate your proficiency to other members. They really don’t care.  Pick up after yourself and remove shot up targets and dispose of them in the trash cans provided.

Shooting at cans, bottles, telephone books or anything other than approved targets is strictly prohibited.

Shooting at chairs, barricades, cinderblocks, or other range equipment is prohibited.

Event sponsors may on occasion approve and shoot non-standard targets at their discretion.

Use of Steel Targets

The range has acquired steel targets for use in sponsored events.  These targets are intended for a specific use as part of an inherently dangerous activity.  They must be used in the intended manner ONLY and in direct compliance and accord with the following instructions:

Only WGC steel targets may be used.

Small swinging targets are permissible when placed at a minimum distance of 25 yards and at a height of no greater than three feet, .22 rimfire ONLY.

Always wear ear and eye protection.

Always wear a baseball style hat with the brim down snugly against the top of your shooting glasses.

Long sleeved shirts and pants are strongly recommended for shooters and others to reduce potential injury from lead and jacket fragments.

Bullets create a splash cone of lead and jacketed particles after hitting steel targets that can travel greater than 20 yards for handguns and greater than 100 yards for rifles.  Use of frangible ammunition is highly recommended.

Use only ammunition of high quality.


Recommended minimum distances for rifle is 100 yards.

Never shoot hardened, steel core, armor piercing ammunition, or shotgun slugs.

Failure to follow these rules may result in serious personal injury, including death.

Dangerous Ammunition

Ammunition ruled unsafe by a Range Safety Officer, Match Director or Club Official cannot be fired at WGC.  

Examples include:

Cartridges with split cases or cartridges that cause repeated jams or failure to feed, and squib rounds that fail to exit the muzzle.

The use of any ammunition that can damage equipment is prohibited.

No armor piercing or incendiary ammo.

No Tannerite.

The use of .50 BMG and .50 BMG variants are strictly forbidden.

Firemarm/ Ammo Malfunctions

ln the event of any unsafe condition, CEASE FIRING IMMEDIATELY!!  

Examples of unsafe firearm malfunctions:

Hammer follows slide to battery.

Firearm fires more than once for each pull of trigger.

Revolver excessive lead spitting.

In the event of any mechanical malfunction of a firearm, DO NOT USE THE FIREARM until it has been repaired and returned to a safe condition.

Bullets that are stuck in the barrel must be removed under the supervision of a Range Safety Officer or Match Director (if during a match), otherwise, in a safe area and direction so as not to endanger others.


The use of EYE and EAR PROTECTION is mandatory for members and their guests on all ranges...NO EXCEPTIONS!

Discharging of rifles and pistols from any shotgun field is strictly prohibited!

Only shot sizes of 7 1/2, 8, or 9 are allowed on the shotgun fields.

No buckshot or slugs allowed on any shotgun field.

Bolts / Breaches must be open at all times when not on a shooting station.

Firearms stored in designated racks may have breaches closed.  Semi-automatic and slide action shotgun bolts must remain open.

WATCH YOUR MUZZLE! Keep shotguns pointed straight up or down range of the shooting position at all times.

Do not load your shotgun until you are standing on the shooting station and muzzle is down range.

Do not load more than two cartridges in your shotgun at any time.

Skeet field: Two shells may be loaded on all stations except for station 8, where only one shell is allowed on High house and two on Low house.

Trap fields: Load only one shell for singles. Two shells may be loaded for doubles.  Exceptions may be made on special games with the permission of all shooters on the squad.

5-Stand field: Two shells may be loaded on all stations.

Do not call for a clay target if you can see people on other fields downrange.

Never cover anything with the muzzle of the firearm you are not willing to destroy.

Keep finger out of the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

Do not leave the shooting station until all spent and live cartridges have been removed from the shotgun.

Spectators must remain behind shooting stations at all times.

Make sure you are shooting cartridges designed to fit the shotgun you are intending to shoot.

If a shotshell does not fire as expected (squib or very light charge), unload the gun and check to ensure the barrel is unobstructed.  An obstructed barrel may explode causing serious injury to those around him / her.  Remove any obstruction and recheck barrel before reloading.  Clearing of shotgun barrel obstructions may be done on the range with proper care and ensuring the barrel is pointed down range.

Do not use the skeet or trap machines unless you have been instructed in their proper use.

Always disarm and turn off the Trap and Skeet Machines after using them (does not apply to 5-Stand).

You are expected to reload the Skeet and Trap machines after use.

You are not expected to load any of the 5-Stand machines after use (loading is performed on Thursdays at 07:30).

Clay Target machines must be de-cocked prior to clearing.  Never attempt to clear a clay target machine unless you have been trained in the machines use.


Hands on Instruction for the use of the Trap and Skeet fields is available on Wednesday and Friday mornings.

Hands on instruction for the use of the 5-Stand fields is available on Thursday mornings (Saturday by appointment).

Pick up your spent hulls and place in designated containers provided: (plastic) drum on the skeet field, 5-gallon buckets on 5-stand.  Do not dispose of hulls in burn barrels or general trash barrels.  Cardboard, cartridge boxes, should be placed in burn barrels or steel barrels.


The following rules will apply to all LTC, NRA, or other instruction at the WGC:

All certified instructors shall notify the board if they would like to be allowed to use our range for their classes.

Instructors must have a policy of liability insurance that covers your instruction.

Once approved, instructors are REQUIRED to notify the Chief Range Safety Officer (Doug Grantham) at least 7 days in advance of pending classes with the date, time, and number of students attending.

WGC will post those classes on the website as notice to all WGC members.

A fee of $5.00 per student should be paid prior to the class.

Classes DO NOT have "right-of-way" and must report to the Range Safety Officer (Doug Grantham, if present) to arrange set-up.

Classes shall act in accordance with all WGC Range Rules.

Classes shall accommodate the use of the range by WGC members.

.22 Long Range Silhouette Shoot Rules

.22 short, long, or long rifle. No Magnums.

Targets will be set at 150 meters and 200 meters.

6-minute time limit per 10-15 animals depending on course. Short prep time between targets. Additional time for kids and / or other issues at match official discretion.

May only use one gun unless mechanical breakage.

May use sandbags / bipods in front.

Rear bag allowed.

No mechanical rests.

Spotters and coaching allowed.

Unlimited sighters on gongs. Sighters are included within the 6-minute time period.

Tell scorekeeper when you go to record fire. You cannot go back to sighters after starting to shoot silhouettes.

Targets must be shot in order left to right. Either top or bottom row first.

Wrong target shot (out of order) is a miss.

Target must fall over.

When done make the gun safe and remove your gun from firing line under the supervision of the Range Safety Officer.

The next shooter can set up under supervision of the Range Safety Officer and with chamber block / flag in.  No ammo until cleared.


Please contact David Griffith 903-790-7954 or the Winnsboro Gun Club at 903-692-3357 for additional information or questions

Note:  The Rifle and Pistol fields and Shotgun fields will be closed during this event


The Winnsboro Gun Club is a completely volunteer organization.  All work is done by volunteers, such as emptying trash, range maintenance, equipment maintenance, and the running of matches.

Members are expected to help as much as possible.

Work parties are periodically scheduled as needed.

Notification of Work Parties will be by NOTICE published on WGC Home Page. Please check the WGC Home Page periodically for notices and help maintain the range.


The Club is governed by a Board of Directors which has the authority to add, amend, or modify any of these rules.

Members are responsible to read (and understand) the Range Rules at least annually.

Any questions regarding any of the WGC Range Rules or any unsafe condition of the range should be brought to the attention of any member of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

REMEMBER:  SAFETY IS YOUR DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY!  ANY UNSAFE ACT MUST BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY!  If you observe any unsafe range condition(s), notify any member of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS immediately.

  • Doug Grantham, WGC Safety Officer